Web Integration

Web Integration (Client Side) Guide and Javascript API


This tutorial provides a very simple and quick introduction to Segmentify web integration (client-side) by walking you through the integration of base javascript library and details of different events and actions.

Segmentify has a javascript library that you can put into your website to feed different pages (including home, product, category, basket or purchase pages) and also any visitor behaviour (we call them events in Segmentify) to the Segmentify Engine. Javascript library is also responsible for taking actions like offering product recommendations or showing a campaign banner/pop-up and includes templates to cover your basic needs.


When you logged into the Segmentify first time you will see the Integrations page (or you can go to the same page via Settings > Integrations menu).

Integration can be divided into two main phases:

  1. Event Integration
  2. Action Integration

Event Integration

Event integration covers loading Segmentify javascript library and sending events for different visitor behaviour. List of steps for event integration is given below:

Action Integration

Segmentify returns different actions according to recommendation & engagement campaigns you have defined with Segmentify Panel.

Segmentify doesn't use separated requests to get actions for each user, but each event request will return an action definition. Details of action definitions and how to use them will be defined in below sections:

Base Library

Segmentify accounts have two important system variables used in integration: API KEY and Data Center. You can access these values from Integrations menu of Segmentify Panel:

System Variable Description
Api Key unique Segmentify key value to send events
Data Center data center end point to send Segmentify events

To access Integrations menu of Segmentify Panel, please login to your Segmentify account and navigate to Settings > Integrations.

Below code is the base library code that should be included every page. We encourage you to put Segmentify library loading code inside <head> tag.

Apikey is specific to your account. You get when you create a segmentify account. Data center url also is specific to your account and is used to send events to Segmentify server. Don't forget to change it at the given code

<!-- DNS Prefetching to increase loading performance -->
<!-- Change second dns prefetch-url with your data center url -->
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//cdn.segmentify.com'>
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='YOUR_DATA_CENTER_URL'> 
<script type='text/javascript'> 
  // Place this code before other javascript inside head tag 
  (function(namespace) { 
    window['SegmentifyTrackingObject'] = namespace; 
    window[namespace] = window[namespace] || function () { 
      (window[namespace].q = window[namespace].q || []) .push(arguments);
    // Used for advanced configuration options
    // Update following information for configuration:
    window[namespace].config = {
      'segmentifyApiUrl': 'YOUR_DATA_CENTER_URL',
      'domain': 'YOUR_WEBSITE_DOMAIN'
  }) ("Segmentify");

  // Initialize Segmentify with your Api Key and change with your api key
<script src='//cdn.segmentify.com/segmentify.js' charset='UTF-8'></script>

Data Layer

Segmentify javascript library uses data layer to collect information. To send events to Segmentify to track visitor behavior, you should add information to data layer in given format. Events tracked by Segmentify are given below:

  • page
  • product
  • basket
  • checkout
  • user
  • custom
  • interaction
  • form
  • search

Besides that every event has common parameters can be added for each event, you can define these parameters by common field at data layer or can add to each event manually.

Data layer object can be updated at any time, Segmentify javascript library automatically detects changes and send required events. Example usage is given below:

// example data layer format
window.sgfLayer = {
    'common': {}, // common parameters send by each event
    'page': {}, // page details
    'product': {}, // product details
    'basket': {}, // basket details
    'checkout': {}, // checkout details
    'user': {}, // user details
    'custom': {}, // custom event details
    'interaction': {}, // interaction details
    'form': {}, // form details
    'search': {}, // search details

Common Parameters

Every event in Segmentify shares common parameters, and you can add these parameters to all events that will be defined later.

Example usage for adding common parameters to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// common parameters data layer
// these parameters will be send with all events send at current page
window.sgfLayer = {
    'common': {
        // current page's url
        // Example: 'https://www.exampleshop.com/exaple-page/'
        pageUrl: 'USER DEFINED PAGE URL',

        // current page's referrer
        // Example: 'https://www.exampleshop.com/exaple-page-2/'
        referrer: 'USER DEFINED REFERRER URL',

        // User Agent of the current visitor
        // Example: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1'
        userAgent: 'USER DEFINED AGENT',

        // Browser of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Internet Explorer', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Safari', 
        // 'Android','Opera', 'Maxthon', 'iPhone', 'iPad'
        // Example: 'Chrome'
        browser: 'USER DEFINED BROWSER',

        // Browser of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'Windows', 'Linux', 'MacOS', 'Android', 'iOS', or 'Other'
        // Example: 'MacOS'

        // Operating System Version of the current visitor
        // Example: '10.13.2'
        osversion: 'OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION',

        // Custom parameters
        // Must be in map format
        params: {
            'CUSTOM FIELD 1': 'CUSTOM VALUE 1',
            'CUSTOM FIELD 2': 'CUSTOM VALUE 2'

        // Currency of product price. 
        // Must be in (http://www.xe.com/iso4217.php). 
        // If not given, account's currency will be used for the product    
        currency : 'CURRENCY',

        // Type of current visitor's language.
        // Contact us for other languages. 
        // Default languages : TR,EN,FR,DE
        language : 'LANGUAGE',

        // Region of the current visitor
        // Example: 'EU', 'ASIA'
        region: 'REGION',

        // Device type of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'PC', 'TABLET', 'MOBILE', 'ANDROID' or 'IOS'
        // Example: 'PC'
        device: 'USER DEFINED DEVICE TYPE',

        // Test Mode for the Event
        // If event is set to test mode, it will be only processed by campaigns in test mode and discarded in reports
        // Example: 'true' or 'false'
        testMode: 'TEST MODE OF THE EVENT',

        // Next Page Flag
        // If it is set to next page mode, this event will not be send now, but will be kept for next page load
        // Set this flag to true, if page is redirecting and you want to store the event to be send at next page
        // Example: 'true' or 'false'
        nextPage: 'NEXT PAGE FLAG OF THE EVENT'

Another possible usage is using common parameters with events. An example usage is given below:

window.sgfLayer = {
    // common parameters for data layer
    // these parameters will be send with all events send at current page
    'common': {
        // current page's url
        // Example: 'https://www.exampleshop.com/exaple-page/'
        pageUrl: 'USER DEFINED PAGE URL',

        // current page's referrer
        // Example: 'https://www.exampleshop.com/exaple-page-2/'
        referrer: 'USER DEFINED REFERRER URL',

        // User Agent of the current visitor
        // Example: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1'
        userAgent: 'USER DEFINED AGENT',

        // Browser of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Internet Explorer', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Safari', 
        // 'Android','Opera', 'Maxthon', 'iPhone', 'iPad'
        // Example: 'Chrome'
        browser: 'USER DEFINED BROWSER',

        // Browser of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'Windows', 'Linux', 'MacOS', 'Android', 'iOS', or 'Other'
        // Example: 'MacOS'

        // Operating System Version of the current visitor
        // Example: '10.13.2'
        osversion: 'OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION',

        // Device type of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'PC', 'TABLET', 'MOBILE', 'ANDROID' or 'IOS'
        // Example: 'PC'
        device: 'USER DEFINED DEVICE TYPE',

        // Type of current visitor's language.
        // Contact us for other languages. 
        // Default languages : TR,EN,FR,DE
        language : 'LANGUAGE',

        // Region of the current visitor
        // Example: 'EU', 'ASIA'
        region: 'REGION',

        // Device type of the current visitor
        // Must be either 'PC', 'TABLET', 'MOBILE', 'ANDROID' or 'IOS'
        // Example: 'PC'
        device: 'USER DEFINED DEVICE TYPE',

        // Test Mode for the Event
        // If event is set to test mode, it will be only processed by campaigns in test mode and discarded in reports
        // Example: 'true' or 'false'
        testMode: 'TEST MODE OF THE EVENT',

    // same common event parameters added to a page view event
    'page': {

        // omitting page view parameters like 'category' and 'subCategory'

        // add custom parameters for page view event
        // Must be in map format
        params: {
            'CUSTOM FIELD 1': 'CUSTOM VALUE 1',
            'CUSTOM FIELD 2': 'CUSTOM VALUE 2'


    // same common event parameters added to a add to basket event
    'basket': {
        // basket operation type
        step: 'add',

        // omitting other common parameters like productId, price and quantity

        // send this event on next page
        nextPage: 'true'

Details of fields of common parameters for events are given below:

Name Type Description Values
Page Url Mandatory Url of the current page 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: pageUrl
2. Default Value: Automatically extracted from document.URL
User ID
Mandatory Unique id of the user. You should send same key for every event of same user and this id must be unique among other users 'USER_1234567890'
Referrer Optional Referal Url of the current page 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: referrer
2. Default Value: Automatically extracted from document.referrer
User Agent Optional User Agent information of current visitor's browser 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: userAgent
2. Default Value: Automatically extracted from window.navigator.userAgent
Browser Optional Type of current visitor's browser
Possible Options are:
- 'Chrome'
- 'Firefox'
- 'Internet Explorer'
- 'Microsoft Edge'
- 'Safari'
- 'Android'
- 'Opera'
- 'Maxthon'
- 'iPhone'
- 'iPad'
1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: userAgent
2. Default Value: Automatically extracted from window.navigator.userAgent
Operating System Optional Operating System of current visitor.
Possible Options are:
- 'Windows'
- 'Linux'
- 'MacOS'
- 'Android'
- 'iOS'
- 'Other'
1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: userAgent
2. Default Value: Automatically extracted from window.navigator.userAgent
Device Optional Device type of current visitor.
Possible Options are:
- 'PC'
- 'IOS'
1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: userAgent
2. Default Value: Automatically extracted from window.navigator.userAgent
Parameters Optional Custom parameters of the event 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: params (map format)
Test Mode Optional Test Mode Flag. If event is set to test mode, it will be only processed by campaigns in test mode and discarded in reports. Possible values are 'true' or 'false' 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: testMode
2. Default Value: Controlled by Segmentify Browser Plugin to change test mode (see plugin for details). It is assumed to be 'false'
Next Page Flag Optional Next Page Flag. If it is set to next page mode, this event will not be sent now, but will be kept for next page load. Set this flag to true, if page is redirecting and you want to store the event to be sent at next page. Possible values are 'true' or 'false' 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: nextPage
2. Default Value: It is automatically decided by segmentify.js for event type

Page View

When a customer views a page, you should put page information to Segmentify data layer. This call gathers information from site and sends a page view event with a set of parameters like url, referrer etc.

// basic version for page view event/data layer with only category and subcategory information
window.sgfLayer = {
    'page': {
        // Category of the page. We recommend to use the following categories:
        // ‘Home Page’, ‘Category Page’, ‘Product Page’, ‘404 Page’, ‘Search Page’
        category: 'PAGE CATEGORY',

        // Sub-Category of the page. This option should be used only for:
        // ‘Category Page’ to give additional information about the page
        // Example: ’Sports’ or ‘Shoes’. Must match with product categories
        // Leave empty or emit parameter if not applicable
        // Example: "Shoes > Sports"
        subCategory: 'PAGE SUB-CATEGORY'

If you want to send more detailed information, use the below example:

// advanced version for page view event with all possible options
window.sgfLayer = {
    'page': {
        // manually overwrite page url
        // example: 'http://demo.segmentify.com/electronics.html'
        pageUrl: 'PAGE URL',

        // give a category/type to current page
        // example: 'Product Page'
        category: 'PAGE CATEGORY',

        // give a sub-category to current page
        // example: 'Menswear'
        subCategory: 'PAGE SUB-CATEGORY',

        // manually give page referer
        // example: 'www.google.com'
        referrer: 'REFERRAL URL',

        // manually give device type
        // example: 'PC'
        device: 'PC'

Details of fields of page view is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Category Mandatory Category of the Page. Predefined values for Segmentify are:
- Home Page
- Product Page
- Category Page
- Basket Page
- Checkout Page
- Search Page
- 404 Page
Data Layer/Event Parameter: category
Sub Category Optional Sub-category of the page. It is used to enhance information about product and category pages.
Example: For a sports category listing page, page category should be 'Category Page' and sub category should be 'Men>Shoes>Sports'
 Data Layer/Event Parameter: subCategory

Product View

When a customer views a product, you should put product information to Segmentify data layer. This call gathers product information from site and sends a product view event with a set of parameters like product id, categories, etc. Besides product id and stock status, all other information can be extracted from either microdata and open graph tags.

Order of importance is Segmentify Data Layer (or Segmentify event call), microdata information, open graph information and finally page information like document title or url. Details are given for each field:

Name Type Description Values
Product ID Mandatory Unique id of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: productId
2. Microdata: productId
3. Opengraph: product:upc
Title Mandatory Name/Title of the product  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: title
2. Microdata: name
3. Opengraph: og:title
4. Page Title: document.title
Stock Optional Product’s stock status - either true or false 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: inStock
2. Microdata: offers->availability
3. Opengraph: product:availability
4. Default Value: true (we assume product’s are in stock when viewed if not given otherwise)
Url Mandatory Canonical url of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: url
2. Microdata: url
3. Opengraph: og:url
4. Canonical URL: link[rel='canonical']
5. Page URL: document.URL
Mobile Url  Optional mobile specific url for the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: mUrl
Image Mandatory main image url to be used in product recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: image
2. Microdata: image
3. Opengraph: og:image
Image X-Small Optional very small image url to be used in product recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: imageXS
Image Small Optional small image url to be used in product recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: imageS
Image Medium Optional medium image url to be used in product recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: imageM
Image Large Optional large image url to be used in product recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: imageL
Image X-Large Optional very large image url to be used in product recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: imageXL
Category Mandatory Hierarchical category of the product.
Example: "Men > Sports > Shoes"
1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: category
2. Microdata: category (slash separated)
3. Opengraph: product:category (comma separated)
Brand Optional Brand of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: brand
2. Microdata: brand
3. Opengraph: product:brand
Price  Mandatory Price of the product, must be numeric 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: price (without currency only numeric)
2. Microdata: offers->price
3. Opengraph: product:price:amount
Old Price Optional Price of the product before sales 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: oldPrice (without currency only numeric
2. Opengraph: product:original_price:amount
Currency  Optional Currency of product price. Must be in Short Format 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: currency
2. Microdata: offers->priceCurrency
3. Opengraph: product:price:currency
4. Default: Account currency is used if not supplied
Gender Optional Gender of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: gender
2.Microdata: audience->suggestedGender
3. Opengraph: product:target_gender
Color Optional Different color options of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: colors (array format)
2. Microdata: color
3. Opengraph: product:color
Sizes  Optional  Different size options of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: sizes (array format)
2. Opengraph: product:size
Labels Optional Custom labels associated with the product. You can use these labels to filter products in the recommendations 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: labels (array format)
Parameters Optional Custom parameters of the product. You can use these parameters in recommendation templates 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: params (map format)

To learn more about product microdata and create related tags, please check schema.org's product definition and a basic microdata creator tool.

To learn more about product open graph and create related tags, please check Facebook's Developer Page.

Example data layer for product view is given below:

// basic version for product view event/data layer with only mandatory and basic information
window.sgfLayer = {
    'product': {
        // Unique identifier for the product, 
        // Same productId must be used at Tracking, Basket and Checkout operations 
        productId: 'PRODUCT ID',

        // Canonical Url of the product
        // example: 'http://shop.segmentify.com/laptop/U123123'
        url: 'PRODUCT URL',

        // Category of the product
        // Must match with categories send with category page view event’s subCategory
        category: 'category1 > category2 > category3', 

        // Title of the product, it will be used at product recommendation widgets
        // If the account has Micro Analytics enabled, this name will be shown at there too
        title: 'TITLE OF THE PRODUCT',

        // image url of the product
        // example: ‘http://shop.segmentify.com/laptop/U123123.png'
        image: 'URL TO PRODUCT IMAGE',

        // price of the product, must be numeric (no currency)
        // example: 1999.99

        // before sales price of the product, must be numeric (no currency)
        // omit this field if not applicable

        // Brand of the product     
        brand: 'PRODUCT_BRAND',

        // product’s availability - either true or false. If not given it is assumed true
        // if a product is marked out of stock, it’s removed from recommendations
        inStock: STOCK_STATUS

If you want to send more detailed information, use the below example:

// advanced version for product view event/data layer with optional and advanced parameters
window.sgfLayer = {
    'product': {
        // other parameters are omitted
        // to learn more about other options, please check previous example
        // Omitted parameters: productId, category, title, image, brand, inStock

        // price of the product, must be numeric (no currency)
        // example: 1999.99

        // before sales price of the product, must be numeric (no currency)
        // omit this field if not applicable

        // currency code, use short code
        currency: 'EUR',

        // Canonical Url of the product
        // example: 'http://shop.segmentify.com/laptop/U123123'
        url: 'PRODUCT URL',

        // Mobile web specific url of the product
        // example: 'http://m.shop.segmentify.com/laptop/U123123'
        mUrl: 'PRODUCT MOBILE URL',

        // Different size images of the product
        // these images can be used in diffirent recommendation widgets and out-bound campaigns

        // Gender of The Product
        gender: 'PRODUCT GENDER',

        // Size options of the product
        // Should be given as an array
        sizes: ['SIZE_1', 'SIZE_2', 'SIZE_3'],

        // Color options of the product
        // Should be given as an array
        colors: ['COLOR_1', 'COLOR_2', 'COLOR_3'],        

        // Custom labels of the product
        // Should be given as an array
        labels: ['LABEL_1', 'LABEL_2', 'LABEL_3'], 

        // additional params for the product
        // these parameters can be used at recommendation widgets or filtering products
        params: {
            'param1': 'value1',
            'param2': 'value2'

Another option is to use Microdata tags on your product page, so Segmentify script can automatically understand product information and can use it to update product information. An example format is given below:

<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product">
    <span itemprop="brand">Example Brand</span> - 
    <span itemprop="name">Example Product</span><br>
    <span itemprop="category">Example Cat 1 / Example Cat 2</span><br>
    <img itemprop="image" src="https://cdn.example-site.com/example-product.png"><br>
    <span itemprop="description">This is an example product</span><br>
    Product number: <span itemprop="productID" content="upc:example-product"></span><br>
    <div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer">
        <span itemprop="priceCurrency" content="EUR"></span>
        Price: €<span itemprop="price">349.00</span><br>
        Condition: <span itemprop="itemCondition" content="new">new</span>
        <span style="display: none;" itemprop="availability" content="true">available</span>
    <span style="display: none;" itemprop="url" content="https://www.example-site.com/example-product/"></span>

Final option is to use Opengraph tags on your product page, so Segmentify script can automatically understand product information and can use it to update product information. An example format is given below:

    <meta property="og:type" content="product.item">
    <meta property="og:title" content="Example Product">
    <meta property="og:description" content="This is an example product">
    <meta property="og:url" content="https://www.example-site.com/example-product/">
    <meta property="og:image" content="https://cdn.example-site.com/example-product.png">
    <meta property="product:condition" content="new">
    <meta property="product:availability" content="in stock">
    <meta property="product:price:amount" content="349">
    <meta property="product:original_price:amount" content="449">
    <meta property="product:price:currency" content="EUR">
    <meta property="product:upc" content="example_product">
    <meta property="product:category" content="Example Cat 1,Example Cat 2">
    <meta property="product:brand" content="Example Brand">
    <meta property="product:target_gender" content="M">

Basket Operations

Segmentify uses basket operations as intermediary step for measuring success of recommendations throughout the conversion funnel. Basket success rate is also reported by Micro Analytics and Bannerify to show individual performance of products, categories, brands and banners.

Basket operations are similar to page view and product view. There are two possible steps in a basket operation these are: add product to basket, remove product from basket.

Basket operations are dynamic operations, so you should bind event handlers to add to basket or remove from basket buttons of your website and supply related information to either data layer or send an event by directly calling Segmentify event function.

Add to Basket

Example usage of add product to basket integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

window.sgfLayer = {
    'basket': {
        // basket operation type
        // two options: add & remove
        step: 'add',

        // Unique identifier for the product, Same productId from product view event
        // example: 'EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_1'
        productId: 'PRODUCT ID',

        // Quantity of the product, it is assumed 1 if not provided
        // example: 1
        quantity: QUANTITY_WITHOUT_QUOTES, 

        // Price of the product added to basket, must be numeric
        // example: 39.99

Alternative approach is directly sending an event by adding a handler to "add to basket" button:

<button id="add-to-basket" data-product="example-product" data-price="349">Add To Basket</button>

<script type='text/javascript'> 
  // Add Product to Basket
  // Example bind to add to basket button
  jQuery('#add-to-basket').click(function() {
    var productId = jQuery(this).data('product');
    var price = jQuery(this).data('price');
    var quantity = 1;

    // name of the event is "basket:add"
    Segmentify('basket:add', {
        // Unique identifier for the product, Same productId from product view event
        // example: 'EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_1'
        productId: productId,

        // Quantity of the product, it is assumed 1 if not provided    
        // example: 1
        quantity: quantity

        // Price of the product added to basket, must be numeric
        // example: 39.99
        price: price

Remove from Basket

Example usage of remove product from basket integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

window.sgfLayer = {
    'basket': {
        // basket operation type
        // two options: add & remove
        step: 'remove',

        // Unique identifier for the product, Same productId from product view event
        // example: 'EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_1'
        productId: 'PRODUCT ID',

Alternative approach is directly sending an event by adding a handler to "remove from basket" button:

<ul class="basket">
    <li class="basket-product">
        <span>Product 1 (Quantity: 1)</span>
        <button class="remove-from-basket" 
    <li class="basket-product">
        <span>Product 2 (Quantity: 2)</span>
        <button id="add-to-basket" 

<script type='text/javascript'> 
  // Remove Product From Basket
  // Example bind to remove from basket button
  jQuery('.remove-from-basket').click(function() {
    var productId = jQuery(this).data('product');
    var price = jQuery(this).data('price');
    var quantity = jQuery(this).data('quantity');

    // name of the event is "basket:remove"
    Segmentify('basket:remove', {
        // Unique identifier for the product, Same productId from product view event
        // example: 'EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_1'
        productId: productId,

        // Quantity of the product, it is assumed 1 if not provided    
        // example: 1
        quantity: quantity

        // Price of the product added to basket, must be numeric
        // example: 39.99
        price: price

Basket Event Parameters

Detailed explanation for each parameter is given

Name Type Description Values
Product ID Mandatory Unique id of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: productId
Price Optional Price of the product in the basket 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: price
2. Default Value: Price of the product is used if not given
Currency Optional Currency of product price. Must be in Short Format  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: currency
2. Default Value: Currency of the product is used if not given
Quantity Optional Number of items added to basket at this operation 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: quantity
2. Default Value: If not given, it is assumed 1
Step Optional  Basket operation type. Can be either 'add' or 'remove'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: step
2. Default Value: It is extracted from name of the event. "basket:add" will be translated into "add" and "basket:remove" will be translated into "remove"

Checkout Operations

Segmentify uses checkout operations to measure success of recommendations throughout the conversion funnel. Checkout information and steps are also used in email & personalization campaigns. Campaign, Micro Analytics, Bannerify and Sales reports are feed from checkout information. It is essential for both analyitcs and recommendation capabilities to function properly.

Segmentify track four different steps of checkout operation:

Operation  Step Details
View Basket checkout:basket When customer views the basket page. Some online stores has dedicated basket pages, others have basket detail pop-ups. For both use cases we recommend you to send checkout event with basket details. To see details, please click
Customer Information checkout:customer This is the second step on checkout funnel. When customer is entering his personal information details, this event should be send to Segmentify. To see details, please click
Payment Information checkout:payment When customer is on payment stage of checkout funnel, you should send this event to Segmentify.To see details, please click
Purchase/Success checkout:purchase Final step of checkout funnel is purchase and Segmentify uses this step as success indicator for recommendations. Reports for campaigns (both recommendation and engagement), sales analysis and real-time analtyics are dependent to this event and shoukd be implemented with great care. To see details, please click

View Basket

View Basket is the first step of checkout funnel, and followed by Customer Information.

Example usage of view basket integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// details of the products with price and quantity 
var basketProducts = [
    // first product
        // id of the product, must match with product integration
        productId: 'EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_1',

        // quantity of the product
        // if not give it is assumed as 1
        quantity: QUANTITY_IN_THE_BASKET,

        // unit price of the product
        // use unit price, don't use quantity * unit price
        // if it is not given, Segmentify assumes same price as the price in the product catalogue

        // currency of the product price
        // if it is not given, Segmentify assumes same currency as the currency in the product catalogue
        // use short code for the currency
        currency: 'CURRENCY_WITH_SHORT_CODE'
    // second product
        productId: 'EXAMPLE_PRODUCT_2',        
        quantity: QUANTITY_IN_THE_BASKET,
        currency: 'CURRENCY_WITH_SHORT_CODE'

// segmentify data layer for checkout
window.sgfLayer = {
    'checkout': {
        // checkout step
        // four options: basket, customer, payment, purchase
        step: 'basket',

        // total price of the basket including taxes, shipping and other additional costs or discounts
        // example: 349.99

        // Currency of the basket total amount. Use short code
        // example: 'EUR'
        currency: 'CURRENCY_OF_THE_BASKET_AMOUNT', 

        // Permanent cart url which can be used at engagement campaigns like cart abondonment reminders
        // customers will be informed with this url with out-bound channels like email and push messages
        // with this permalink customers can access to their current basket and finish the purchase
        // example: 'https://shop.example.com/cart/1234567890'
        cartUrl: 'PERMALINK_CART_URL',

        // Products inside the basket
        // it is formatted as an array of products
        products: basketProducts

Customer Information

Customer Information is the second step of checkout funnel, and preceeded by View Basket & followed by Payment Information.

Example usage of customer information step of purchase integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// segmentify data layer for checkout
window.sgfLayer = {
    'checkout': {
        // checkout step
        // four options: basket, customer, payment, purchase
        step: 'customer',

        // total price of the basket including taxes, shipping and other additional costs or discounts
        // example: 349.99

        // Currency of the basket total amount. Use short code
        // example: 'EUR'
        currency: 'CURRENCY_OF_THE_BASKET_AMOUNT', 

        // Permanent cart url which can be used at engagement campaigns like cart abondonment reminders
        // customers will be informed with this url with out-bound channels like email and push messages
        // with this permalink customers can access to their current basket and finish the purchase
        // example: 'https://shop.example.com/cart/1234567890'
        cartUrl: 'PERMALINK_CART_URL',

        // Products inside the basket
        // it is formatted as an array of products
        // details of products are omitted, please check basket step of checkout
        products: basketProducts

Please refer to View Basket Step of Checkout for basket products detail and use the same information throughout the purchase funnel by only changing step information.

Payment Information

Payment Information is the third step of checkout funnel, and preceeded by Payment Information & followed by Purchase/Success.

Example usage of payment information step of purchase integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// segmentify data layer for checkout
window.sgfLayer = {
    'checkout': {
        // checkout step
        // four options: basket, customer, payment, purchase
        step: 'payment',

        // total price of the basket including taxes, shipping and other additional costs or discounts
        // example: 349.99

        // Currency of the basket total amount. Use short code
        // example: 'EUR'
        currency: 'CURRENCY_OF_THE_BASKET_AMOUNT', 

        // Permanent cart url which can be used at engagement campaigns like cart abondonment reminders
        // customers will be informed with this url with out-bound channels like email and push messages
        // with this permalink customers can access to their current basket and finish the purchase
        // example: 'https://shop.example.com/cart/1234567890'
        cartUrl: 'PERMALINK_CART_URL',

        // Products inside the basket
        // it is formatted as an array of products
        // details of products are omitted, please check basket step of checkout
        products: basketProducts

Please refer to View Basket Step of Checkout for basket products detail and use the same information throughout the purchase funnel by only changing step information.


Purchase/Success is the fourth and final step of checkout funnel, and preceeded by Payment Information.

Example usage of purchase/success step of purchase integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// segmentify data layer for checkout
window.sgfLayer = {
    'checkout': {
        // checkout step
        // four options: basket, customer, payment, purchase
        step: 'purchase',

        // total price of the basket including taxes, shipping and other additional costs or discounts
        // example: 349.99

        // Currency of the basket total amount. Use short code
        // example: 'EUR'
        currency: 'CURRENCY_OF_THE_BASKET_AMOUNT', 

        // Products inside the basket
        // it is formatted as an array of products
        // details of products are omitted, please check basket step of checkout
        products: basketProducts

Please refer to View Basket Step of Checkout for basket products detail and use the same information throughout the purchase funnel by only changing step information.

Checkout Parameters

Detailed explanation for each parameter is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Step Mandatory Identifies which step of the checkout funnel. Each step has different meaning and use it accordingly 1. Data Layer Parameter: step
2. Default Value: It is automatically calculated from event name if used by calling with Segmentify function rather than data layer
Total Price/Amount Mandatory Total amount of the basket including taxes, shipping costs and also discounts 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: totalPrice
Currency Optional Currency of the total amount of the basket. Must be in Short Format 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: currency
2. Default Value: Currency of the account
Order No Optional Your unique id of the order. Send this value only for purchase/succeess step and you can access to this id on sales report 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: orderNo
Cart Url Optional Permalink for accessing basket at later stages. Should be used for view basket, customer information and payment information steps of checkout. This url can be used at engagement campaigns like cart abondonment reminders. Customers will be informed with this url with out-bound channels like email and push messages  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: cartUrl
2. Default Value: Account's default cart url (which can be adjusted from account settings in panel)
Products Mandatory List of products inside the basket. Must be in array format. Details are given at product parameters 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: products

Basket Product Parameters

Each product inside the basket can be defined with following parameters. See Checkout Parameters for defining checkout operation in which basket product is also defined.

Name Type Description Values
Product ID Mandatory Unique id of the product 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: productId
Price Optional Price of the product in the basket 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: price
2. Default Value: Price of the product is used if not given
Currency Optional Currency of product price. Must be in Short Format  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: currency
2. Default Value: Currency of the product is used if not given
Quantity Optional Number of items added to basket at this operation 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: quantity
2. Default Value: If not given, it is assumed 1

When a visitor wants to search products, this event should be sent.

There are two search type before search input and after search input. Before search input module works until the search is done. After search input starts working after searching. These recommendations are updated after minimum characters written in the search bar. Minimum character count presents in the campaign that is in search request response.

Parameters can be sent with search event is given below (you can also add common parameters):

Name Type Description Example
Optional Typed words for searching products. Should be empty or null for before search. 'Dress'

Sample before-search request is given below:

// basic version for search event/data layer
window.sgfLayer = {
    'search': {
        // Search Query, since this before-search query, query parameter should be empty
        query: ''

Sample after-search request is given below:

// basic version for search event/data layer
window.sgfLayer = {
    'search': {
        // Search Query
        query: 'Dress'


When a visitor wants to navigate to search result page, this event should be sent.

Parameters can be sent with search event is given below (you can also add common parameters):

Name Type Description Example
Mandatory Typed words for searching products. 'Dress'
Mandatory Search type. This parameter has only one value and must not be changed. 'faceted'
Mandatory Search result products ordering. Default value is "SMART_SORTING"
Mandatory Trigger types.
Optional Filter types.
[{"facet": "category", "values":["Dress > Woman Dress"]}]

You can see the detailed trigger values’ descriptions below:

Parameter Description
keyword Sent when the run function of SegmentifySearch is called. It represents the facet search event triggered by the keyword entered on the search box
filter Sent when there is a change on facets
page Sent when the page number is changed
order Sent when order type is changed

Possible sort options for ordering parameter:

Parameter Description
BEST_MATCH Sorting based on text-based relevancy in Solr.
SMART_SORTING Sorting according to score first and then rockScore.
ALPHABETICAL_DESC Sort alphabetically descending. (Z-A)
ALPHABETICAL_ASC Alphabetically ascending order (A-Z)
PRICE_DESC Sort by product's price in descending order. (9-0)
PRICE_ASC Sort by product's price ascending. (0-9)
BEST_SELLERS Sorting by most preferred products
NEWEST Sorting by Solr Query by time of product release.

Sample searchandising request is given below:

// basic version for search event/data layer
window.sgfLayer = {
    'search': {
        // Search Query, since this before-search query, query parameter should be empty
        query: 'some text',
        type: 'faceted',
        trigger: 'keyword',
        ordering: '{"page":1,"sort":"SMART_SORTING"}'

User/Visitor Operations

Segmentify tracks important user operations like sign-up/register, sign-in/login, sign-out/logout and also you can share your customer's information with Segmentify by sending an update event.

There are 4 possible user/visitor operations:

  1. User Register/Sign-up: It should be sent when a visitor signed up to your website, to see details please click
  2. User Login/Sign-in: It should be sent when a registered user logins to your website, to see details please click
  3. User Logout/Sign-out: It should be sent when a registered user logouts from your website, to see details please click
  4. User Update: It should be sent when you want to share registered user's information (ex: name, email, phone number, etc.) with Segmentify. These information can be used at campagin templates to customize message or email address is used for email out-bound campaigns like abandoned cart reminders. To see details please click

New User

When a visitor registers (sign-up) to your website, you should put user information to Segmentify data layer.

If you want to share details of an already registered user with Segmentify, please use User Update.

Details of new user definition is given below:

// basic version for new user event/data layer with user detail information
window.sgfLayer = {
    'user': {
        // user event type
        // four options: signup, signin, signout, update
        step: 'signup',

        // Username of the customer, it must be unique amount all customers
        // Username is used to match Segmentify tracking with your customer identification
        // Example: 'usr1234567890abcde'
        username: 'CUSTOMER_USERNAME',

        // Unique id of the user. Please check [User & Session Management] for creating unique key for the user/visitor. 
        // You should send same key for every event of same user and this id must be unique among other users 'USER_1234567890'
        userId: 'CUSTOMER_USERID',

        // Full name of the customer
        // Example: 'John Doe'
        fullName: 'FULLNAME OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Email address of the customer
        // This must be supplied to use current customer in outbound email campaigns        
        // Example: 'john.doe@exampleshop.com'
        email: 'EMAIL OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Mobile phone number of the customer. 
        // Example: '+1 555 555 5555’

        // Gender of the customer
        // Possible values are M or F. 
        // Example: 'M'
        gender: 'GENDER OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Age of the customer, must be numeric
        // Example: 27
        age: 'AGE OF THE CUSTOMER', 

        // Custom segments of the customer, must be in array format
        // You can use these segments to filter target lists of engagement campaigns
        // Example: ['New Comer', 'From Google']
        segments: ['VISITOR SEGMENT 1', 'VISITOR SEGMENT 2'],

        // Membership date of the customer, must be in format of 'DD.MM.YYYY'
        // Example: '23.01.2014'

        // Location of the customer
        // Example: 'New York'
        location: 'LOCATION OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Custom parameters for the customer, must be in map format
        // You can use these parameters in 2 ways:
        //  1. customizing messages in recommendation & engagement campaign templates
        //  2. filtering customers at selecting target lists at engagement campaigns
        custom: {
            'CUSTOM FIELD 1': 'CUSTOM VALUE 1',
            'CUSTOM FIELD 2': 'CUSTOM VALUE 2'

Details of fields of new user is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Step Mandatory Identifies which operation is taken for current user/customer. Each operation has differen meaning and use it accordingly 1. Data Layer Parameter: step
2. Default Value: It is automatically calculated from event name if used by calling with Segmentify function rather than data layer
Username Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: username
UserId Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: UserId
Full Name Optional Full name of the customer. Example: 'John Doe'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: fullName
Email Optional
(Mandatory for using email module)
Email address of the customer. Example: 'john.doe@exampleshop.com'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: email
Mobile Phone Optional Mobile phone number of the customer. Example: '+1 555 555 5555'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: phone
Gender Optional Gender of the customer. Must be either 'M' or 'F'. Example: 'M'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: gender
Age Optional Age of the customer. Must be numeric. Either use age or birthdate. Example: 27  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: age
Birthdate Optional Birthdate of the customer. Must be in format 'DD.MM.YYYY'. Either use age or birthdate. Example: '23.01.1980'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: birthdate
Membership Date Optional Membership date of the customer. Must be in format 'DD.MM.YYYY'. Example: '20.01.2014'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: memberSince
Location Optional Location of the customer. Example: 'New York'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: location
Customer Segments Optional Segments of the customer. Must be in array format. Example: ['SEGMENT 1', 'SEGMENT 2']  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: segments
Custom Parameters Optional Customer parameters/labels of the customer. Must be in map format. Example: {'FIELD 1': 'VALUE 1', 'FIELD 2': 'VALUE 2'}  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: custom

User Login

When a registered customer logins (sign-in), a user login event should be sent to Segmentify.

Example usage of user login integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// basic version for user login event/data layer
window.sgfLayer = {
    'user': {
        // user event type
        // four options: signup, signin, signout, update
        step: 'signin',

        // Username of the customer, it must be unique amount all customers
        // Username is used to match Segmentify tracking with your customer identification
        // Example: 'usr1234567890abcde'
        username: 'CUSTOMER_USERNAME'

        // Unique id of the user. Please check [User & Session Management] for creating unique key for the user/visitor. 
        // You should send same key for every event of same user and this id must be unique among other users 'USER_1234567890'
        userId: 'CUSTOMER_USERID'
Details of fields of user login is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Step Mandatory Identifies which operation is taken for current user/customer. Each operation has differen meaning and use it accordingly 1. Data Layer Parameter: step
2. Default Value: It is automatically calculated from event name if used by calling with Segmentify function rather than data layer
Username Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: username
UserId Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: UserId

User Logout

When a registered customer logouts (sign-out), a user logout event should be sent to Segmentify.

Example usage of user logout integration to Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// basic version for user logout event/data layer
window.sgfLayer = {
    'user': {
        // user event type
        // four options: signup, signin, signout, update
        step: 'signout',

        // Username of the customer, it must be unique amount all customers
        // Username is used to match Segmentify tracking with your customer identification
        // Example: 'usr1234567890abcde'
        username: 'CUSTOMER_USERNAME',

        // Unique id of the user. Please check [User & Session Management] for creating unique key for the user/visitor. 
        // You should send same key for every event of same user and this id must be unique among other users 'USER_1234567890'
Details of fields of user logout is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Step Mandatory Identifies which operation is taken for current user/customer. Each operation has differen meaning and use it accordingly 1. Data Layer Parameter: step
2. Default Value: It is automatically calculated from event name if used by calling with Segmentify function rather than data layer
Username Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: username
UserId Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: userId

User Update

When you want to share an already registered customer information, provide details of the customer at Segmentify Data Layer. You can use both this integration for both frequently updating user information and instant updates when customer updates his/her personal information.

If you want to share a new registered user with Segmentify, please use New User.

Details of user update definition is given below:

// basic version for user update event/data layer with user detail information
window.sgfLayer = {
    'user': {
        // user event type
        // four options: signup, signin, signout, update
        step: 'update',

        // Username of the customer, it must be unique amount all customers
        // Username is used to match Segmentify tracking with your customer identification
        // Example: 'usr1234567890abcde'
        username: 'CUSTOMER_USERNAME',

        // Unique id of the user. Please check [User & Session Management] for creating unique key for the user/visitor. 
        // You should send same key for every event of same user and this id must be unique among other users 'USER_1234567890'
        userId: 'CUSTOMER_USERID',

        // Full name of the customer
        // Example: 'John Doe'
        fullName: 'FULLNAME OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Email address of the customer
        // This must be supplied to use current customer in outbound email campaigns        
        // Example: 'john.doe@exampleshop.com'
        email: 'EMAIL OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Mobile phone number of the customer. 
        // Example: '+1 555 555 5555’

        // Gender of the customer
        // Possible values are M or F. 
        // Example: 'M'
        gender: 'GENDER OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Age of the customer, must be numeric
        // Example: 27
        age: 'AGE OF THE CUSTOMER', 

        // Custom segments of the customer, must be in array format
        // You can use these segments to filter target lists of engagement campaigns
        // Example: ['New Comer', 'From Google']
        segments: ['VISITOR SEGMENT 1', 'VISITOR SEGMENT 2'],

        // Membership date of the customer, must be in format of 'DD.MM.YYYY'
        // Example: '23.01.2014'

        // Location of the customer
        // Example: 'New York'
        location: 'LOCATION OF THE CUSTOMER',

        // Custom parameters for the customer, must be in map format
        // You can use these parameters in 2 ways:
        //  1. customizing messages in recommendation & engagement campaign templates
        //  2. filtering customers at selecting target lists at engagement campaigns
        custom: {
            'CUSTOM FIELD 1': 'CUSTOM VALUE 1',
            'CUSTOM FIELD 2': 'CUSTOM VALUE 2'

Details of fields of user update is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Step Mandatory Identifies which operation is taken for current user/customer. Each operation has differen meaning and use it accordingly 1. Data Layer Parameter: step
2. Default Value: It is automatically calculated from event name if used by calling with Segmentify function rather than data layer
Username Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: username
UserId Mandatory Unique identifier for the customer 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: userId
Full Name Optional Full name of the customer. Example: 'John Doe'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: fullName
Email Optional
(Mandatory for using email module)
Email address of the customer. Example: 'john.doe@exampleshop.com'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: email
Mobile Phone Optional Mobile phone number of the customer. Example: '+1 555 555 5555'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: phone
Gender Optional Gender of the customer. Must be either 'M' or 'F'. Example: 'M'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: gender
Age Optional Age of the customer. Must be numeric. Either use age or birthdate. Example: 27  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: age
Birthdate Optional Birthdate of the customer. Must be in format 'DD.MM.YYYY'. Either use age or birthdate. Example: '23.01.1980'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: birthdate
Membership Date Optional Membership date of the customer. Must be in format 'DD.MM.YYYY'. Example: '20.01.2014'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: memberSince
Location Optional Location of the customer. Example: 'New York'  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: location
Customer Segments Optional Segments of the customer. Must be in array format. Example: ['SEGMENT 1', 'SEGMENT 2']  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: segments
Custom Parameters Optional Customer parameters/labels of the customer. Must be in map format. Example: {'FIELD 1': 'VALUE 1', 'FIELD 2': 'VALUE 2'}  1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: custom
Is-Registered Flag Optional This is an advanced parameter, use cautiously. If you want to change user's register status without sending a register event, use this flag. Value is either 'true' or 'false' 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: isRegistered
Is-Login Flag Optional This is an advanced parameter, use cautiously. If you want to change user's login status without sending a login/logout event, use this flag. Value is either 'true' or 'false' 1. Data Layer/Event Parameter: isLogin

Custom Event

This integration enables any event & data important for you to be tracked by Segmentify and become actionable. With this integration, you can send any non standard events & data to Segmentify, and gives endless opportunities to track and take actions to your visitor's behaviour.

Details of custom event definition for Segmentify Data Layer is given below:

// Send Custom Event
// Bind this event to related button or link
window.sgfLayer = {
    'custom': {
        // Type of the event - use same type for same events 
        // Example: 'Shipment Select'
        type: 'NAME OF THE EVENT',

        // Custom parameters specific for event
        // Must be in map format
        params: {
            // first key-value pair
            'MAP KEY 1': 'MAP VALUE 1', 

            // second key-value pair
            'MAP KEY 2': 'MAP VALUE 2'

Details of fields of custom event is given below:

Name Type Description Values
Type Mandatory Type of the event. You should use same type for same events Data Layer Parameter: type
Custom Parameters Optional Custom parameters of the event. Must be in map format. Data Layer/Event Parameter: params


This section will be available in next releases. To learn more about this integration, please contact with support team, by sending an email to support@segmentify.com.


This section will be available in next releases. To learn more about this integration, please contact with support team, by sending an email to support@segmentify.com.


This section will be available in next releases. To learn more about this integration, please contact with support team, by sending an email to support@segmentify.com.

Custom Tracking

This section will be available in next releases. To learn more about this integration, please contact with support team, by sending an email to support@segmentify.com.


Each Segmentify event request can return multiple actions to be shown to current visitor. Segmentify javascript library will automatically handle those actions and there is no need for additional implementation.

Example response body for a Segmentify event request is given below:

    "campaigns": [
    "responses": [
    "search": [
    "timestamp": 1501142345512,
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS"

Response object has a list of actions inside responses array. An example action definition (recommendation) is given below:

    "type": "recommendProducts",
    "params": {
        "staticItems": "[]",
        "notificationTitle": "Searchbox Recommendation",
        "insertType": "AFTER",
        "ordering": "SHUFFLE",
        "exclusions": "[]",
        "recommendedProducts": {
                "productId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
                "name": "Example Product 1",
                "url": "https://www.exampleshop.com/example-product?_sgm_source=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&_sgm_campaign=scn_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&_sgm_action=click&_sgm_type=RSAP",
                "image": "https://cdn.exampleshop.com/example-product.jpg",
                "price": 169.9,
                "priceText": "169,90 TL",
                "oldPriceText": "",
                "currency": "TRY",
                "category": ["Spor>Fitness / Egzersiz>Nike"],
                "lastUpdateTime": 1501510936208,
                "inStock": true,
                "insertTime": 1459250843999,
                "publishTime": 1463306155916,
                "brand": "Nike",
                "gender": "male",
                "labels": ["Yeni"],
                "sizes": ["41", "42", "43", "44", "45"],
                "colors": ["Beyaz", "Siyah"],
                "params": {
                    "brand": "Nike",
                    "pid": "378331",
                    "availCount": "5",
                    "newItem": "false",
                    "totalSize": "8"
            }, {
                "productId": "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY",
                "name": "Example Product 2",
                "url": "https://www.exampleshop.com/example-product?_sgm_source=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY&_sgm_campaign=scn_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&_sgm_action=click&_sgm_type=RSAP",
                "image": "https://cdn.exampleshop.com/example-product2.jpg",
                "price": 209.25,
                "priceText": "209,25 TL",
                "oldPrice": 279.0,
                "oldPriceText": "279,00 TL",
                "currency": "TRY",
                "category": ["Erkek>Spor Ayakkabı>Koşu / Yürüyüş>Nike"],
                "categories": ["Nike"],
                "lastUpdateTime": 1501511406943,
                "inStock": true,
                "insertTime": 1492146294110,
                "publishTime": 1492146294110,
                "brand": "Nike",
                "gender": "male",
                "labels": ["İnternete Özel"],
                "sizes": ["42.5", "43", "46"],
                "colors": ["Kırmızı"],
                "params": {
                    "pid": "563270",
                    "brand": "Nike",
                    "availCount": "3",
                    "totalSize": "8"
        "actionType": "INPAGE_WIDGET",
        "instanceId": "scn_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "postJsCode": "",
        "itemsPerRow": "4",
        "recommendationTemplate": "
            <div id=\"seg-detail-rec\" class=\"seg-recom\">
               <div class=\"seg-title\">[[title]]</div>
               <div class=\"text-center\">
                  <ul class=\"seg-detail_slider\">
                        <div class=\"item-info\">
                           <a class=\"product-image\" onclick=\"ga('segmentifyGAEvent.send', 'event','Product Pages_[[productId]]','Ürün Detay','[[productId]]', 1, { 'nonInteraction': 1 });\" href=\"[[url]]\">
                              <img src=\"[[newImage]]\" alt=\"[[name]]\"  title=\"[[name]]\" style=\"width: 140px; height: 140px;\">
                           <div class=\"product-details\">
                              <div class=\"related-attr\"></div>
                                 <span class=\"orange\">[[discount]]</span>
                              <h3 class=\"product-brand\">[[brand]]</h3>
                              <div class=\"productPrices\">
                                 <span class=\"oldPrice\">[[commaFormatPrice]] TL</span>
                                 <span class=\"newPrice\">[[commaFormatPrice]] TL</span>[[/price]]
        "actionId": "act_1e062d2793a42000",
        "selector": "body",
        "elimination": "ELIMINATE_DUPLICATES",
        "preJsCode": "window.segSearch = new Object();\n  window.segSearch[\"product\"] = conf.products[0];\n}",
        "inclusions": "[]",
        "actionName": "actn_1e063090c56a6000"

Response object has a list of actions inside search array. An example action definition (before-search) is given below:

  "search": [
        "categoryProducts": {
          "category > category1 > category2": [
              "productId": "72155",
              "name": "Product Name",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=bs_product&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
              "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
              "price": 109.0,
              "priceText": "€109.00",
              "oldPrice": 159.0,
              "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
              "specialPriceText": "",
              "category": [
                "category > category1 > category2"
              "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
              "inStock": true,
              "insertTime": 1634135806842,
              "publishTime": 1634135806842,
              "brand": "Product Brand",
              "params": {
                "ws_code": "",
                "variant": "false",
                "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
                "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
              "language": "EN",
              "currency": "EUR",
              "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
        "brands": {
          "Brand": "https://www.example.com/Brand?_sgm_campaign=bs_brand&_sgm_source=Brand&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term="
        "keywords": {
          "dress": [
              "productId": "72155",
              "name": "Dress",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=bs_product&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
              "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
              "price": 109.0,
              "priceText": "€109.00",
              "oldPrice": 159.0,
              "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
              "specialPriceText": "",
              "category": [
                "category > category1 > category2"
              "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
              "inStock": true,
              "insertTime": 1634135806842,
              "publishTime": 1634135806842,
              "brand": "Brand",
              "params": {
                "ws_code": "",
                "variant": "false",
                "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
                "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
              "language": "EN",
              "currency": "EUR",
              "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
          "dress2": [
              "productId": "72156",
              "name": "Dress2",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72156/?_sgm_campaign=bs_product&_sgm_source=72156%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72156",
              "image": "https://www.example.com/72156.png",
              "price": 109.0,
              "priceText": "€109.00",
              "oldPrice": 159.0,
              "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
              "specialPriceText": "",
              "category": [
                "category > category1 > category2"
              "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
              "inStock": true,
              "insertTime": 1634135806842,
              "publishTime": 1634135806842,
              "brand": "Product Brand",
              "params": {
                "ws_code": "",
                "variant": "false",
                "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
                "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
              "language": "EN",
              "currency": "EUR",
              "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
        "brandProducts": {
          "Brand": [
              "productId": "72155",
              "name": "Dress",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=bs_product&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
              "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
              "price": 109.0,
              "priceText": "€109.00",
              "oldPrice": 159.0,
              "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
              "specialPriceText": "",
              "category": [
                "category > category1 > category2"
              "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
              "inStock": true,
              "insertTime": 1634135806842,
              "publishTime": 1634135806842,
              "brand": "Brand",
              "params": {
                "ws_code": "",
                "variant": "false",
                "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
                "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
              "language": "EN",
              "currency": "EUR",
              "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
        "hasData": true,
        "lastSearches": [

        "campaign": {

        "categories": {
          "category > category1 > category2": "https://www.example.com/category_category1_category2?_sgm_campaign=bs_category&_sgm_source=category_category1_category2&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term="
        "incremental": false,
        "banners": [
            "id": "searchb_f38af653fbd18000",
            "instanceId": "fcs_9d9d5a4bf8000",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "searchType": "instant",
            "name": "Name Of The Banner",
            "bannerUrl": "https://www.example.com/examlpe.png",
            "targetUrl": "https://www.example.com/example_page.html?_sgm_campaign=searchb_f38af653fbd18000&_sgm_source=fcs_9d9d5a4bf8000%7Cbanner&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=term",
            "position": "FILTERS_FOOTER",
            "width": "100%",
            "height": "auto",
            "method": "URL",
            "newtab": false
        "products": [
            "productId": "72155",
            "name": "Dress",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=bs_product&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
            "price": 109.0,
            "priceText": "€109.00",
            "oldPrice": 159.0,
            "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
            "specialPriceText": "",
            "category": [
              "category > category1 > category2"
            "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
            "inStock": true,
            "insertTime": 1634135806842,
            "publishTime": 1634135806842,
            "brand": "Brand",
            "params": {
              "ws_code": "",
              "variant": "false",
              "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
              "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
            "language": "EN",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
            "productId": "72156",
            "name": "Dress2",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72156/?_sgm_campaign=bs_product&_sgm_source=72156%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72156",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/72156.png",
            "price": 109.0,
            "priceText": "€109.00",
            "oldPrice": 159.0,
            "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
            "specialPriceText": "",
            "category": [
              "category > category1 > category2"
            "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
            "inStock": true,
            "insertTime": 1634135806842,
            "publishTime": 1634135806842,
            "brand": "Product Brand",
            "params": {
              "ws_code": "",
              "variant": "false",
              "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
              "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
            "language": "EN",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
  "campaigns": [
  "responses": [
  "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
  "timestamp": 1665652596632

Response object has a list of actions inside search array. An example action definition (after-search) is given below:

  "search": [
        "brands": {
          "Brand": "https://www.example.com/Brand?_sgm_campaign=brand&_sgm_source=Brand&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term="
        "keywords": {

        "synonyms": [

        "incremental": false,
        "banners": [

        "meanings": [

        "products": [
            "productId": "72155",
            "name": "Dress",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=bproduct&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
            "price": 109.0,
            "priceText": "€109.00",
            "oldPrice": 159.0,
            "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
            "specialPriceText": "",
            "category": [
              "category > category1 > category2"
            "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
            "inStock": true,
            "insertTime": 1634135806842,
            "publishTime": 1634135806842,
            "brand": "Brand",
            "params": {
              "ws_code": "",
              "variant": "false",
              "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
              "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
            "language": "EN",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
            "productId": "72156",
            "name": "Dress2",
            "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72156/?_sgm_campaign=product&_sgm_source=72156%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72156",
            "image": "https://www.example.com/72156.png",
            "price": 109.0,
            "priceText": "€109.00",
            "oldPrice": 159.0,
            "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
            "specialPriceText": "",
            "category": [
              "category > category1 > category2"
            "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
            "inStock": true,
            "insertTime": 1634135806842,
            "publishTime": 1634135806842,
            "brand": "Product Brand",
            "params": {
              "ws_code": "",
              "variant": "false",
              "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
              "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
            "language": "EN",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
        "categoryProducts": {
          "category > category1 > category2": [
              "productId": "72155",
              "name": "Product Name",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=product&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
              "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
              "price": 109.0,
              "priceText": "€109.00",
              "oldPrice": 159.0,
              "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
              "specialPriceText": "",
              "category": [
                "category > category1 > category2"
              "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
              "inStock": true,
              "insertTime": 1634135806842,
              "publishTime": 1634135806842,
              "brand": "Product Brand",
              "params": {
                "ws_code": "",
                "variant": "false",
                "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
                "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
              "language": "EN",
              "currency": "EUR",
              "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
        "contents": [

        "meta": {
          "brand": [
              "value": "Brand",
              "count": 177
              "value": "Brand1",
              "count": 19
              "value": "Brand2",
              "count": 9
              "value": "Brand3",
              "count": 9
          "category": [
              "value": "category > category1 > category2",
              "count": 1291
              "value": "category > category1 > category3",
              "count": 1034
              "value": "category5 > category6 > category7",
              "count": 325
              "value": "category5 > category6 > category8",
              "count": 49
          "product": {
            "value": "static",
            "count": 165
        "brandProducts": {
          "Brand": [
              "productId": "72155",
              "name": "Dress",
              "url": "https://www.example.com/product/72155/?_sgm_campaign=product&_sgm_source=72155%7Ccategory&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term=72155",
              "image": "https://www.example.com/72155.png",
              "price": 109.0,
              "priceText": "€109.00",
              "oldPrice": 159.0,
              "oldPriceText": "€159.00",
              "specialPriceText": "",
              "category": [
                "category > category1 > category2"
              "lastUpdateTime": 1665477420174,
              "inStock": true,
              "insertTime": 1634135806842,
              "publishTime": 1634135806842,
              "brand": "Brand",
              "params": {
                "ws_code": "",
                "variant": "false",
                "addToCartUrl": "https://www.example.com/72155",
                "sku": "PRODUCT_SKU"
              "language": "EN",
              "currency": "EUR",
              "lastBoughtTime": 1660834710537
        "campaign": {

        "categories": {
          "category > category1 > category2": "https://www.example.com/category_category1_category2?_sgm_campaign=category&_sgm_source=category_category1_category2&_sgm_action=search&_sgm_term="
  "campaigns": [
  "responses": [
  "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
  "timestamp": 1665651163536


Segmentify calculates the best products for each visitor and returns a list of products to be shown to visitor. You can adjust different algorithms for recommendation campaigns from Segmentify panel.

To access to different recommendation campagins, after logging to Segmentify Panel, navigate to Recommend page and select a page type from there, example: "Home Page". On that screen, you will see your active campaigns for home page. You can adjust these campaigns or create a new recommendation campaign.

Example view of a Home Page Recommend page is given below: Home Page Recommend

Creating/editing a recommendation campaign is a very easy task, you can adjust these capabilities:

  • Widget Title: Title of recommendation widget to be used for displaying recommendations
  • Algorithm: You can adjust which recommendation algorithm to use (either intelligent options, or specific brand, category or products)
  • Inclusion Criteria: You can specify inclusion rules for algorithms, like only show "Male" gender products
  • Exclusion Criteria: You can specify exclusion rules for algorithms, like don't show products whose price is less than €19
  • Device Types: In which devices recommendaiton campagin will run. You can specify different campaigns for mobile devices and desktop devices.
  • Widget Title: Title of recommendation widget to be used for displaying recommendations
  • Target Selector: Position on page to put recommendation widget. It is composed of a selector and operation type.

    • Selector can be any valid css selector (please check css selectors on w3shools)
    • Operation Type is how to add recommendation widget to target selector. Current options are "Self", "Before", "After", "Prepend" and "Append"

After adjusting the recommendation campaign, you can either try this campaign in test mode by clicking "Go Test" or go live by clicking "Go Live".

We recommend you to test your recommendation campaigns in test mode before going live. Only test users can view test campaigns, and you can be a test user by using Segmentify Chrome Plugin.

Example view of Recommendation Campaign wizard is given below: Recommendation Campaign Wizard

Segmentify uses Mustache template engine to render recommendations on your website. You can learn more about Mustache template styling from here.

You can also edit recommendation template and additional js codes to be executed before and after recommendation template is rendered by clicking Advanced Configuration on recommendation wizard.

Example view of Advanced Configuration for campaign wizard is given below: Advanced Configuration

Advice: We advise to add a separate div on your web page with a definitive id for each campaign widget to be rendered inside.

Example div format is given below:

<div id="segmentify-homepage-rec"></div>

When you create a "Home Page Recommendation" campaign with selector #segmentify-homepage-rec and operation type as self, Segmentify Javascript Library will render recommendation widget inside given div.


This section will be available in next releases. To learn more about this integration, please contact with support team, by sending an email to support@segmentify.com.


Search Response Details

SearchModel has thirteen objects: products for product list, campaign for search campaign details, errorString in case of an error, instanceId and interactionId for action identity, banners for search banners, meanings for alternative word suggestions, lastSearches for user's last searched words, brands and brandProducts for brand asset, categories and categoryProducts for category asset, keywords for keyword asset.

Name Type Description
SearchCampaignModel? Search Campaign object.
[ProductRecommendationModel]? Products for product list.
String? Error message in case of unexpected results.
String? Campaign instanceId. It will be used on events.
String? Identity of the action.
[SearchBannerModel]? Search banners list.
[String]? List of alternative keywords. It uses for 'did you mean' feature.
[String]? List of user's last searched words.
String:String? Map of brand name and its tracking url. It uses for brand asset.
String:[ProductRecommendationModel]? Map of brand name and list of its products.
String:String? Map of category name and its tracking url. It uses for category asset.
String:[ProductRecommendationModel]? Map of category name and list of its products.
String:[ProductRecommendationModel]? Map of keyword and list of its products. It uses for keyword asset.
Name Type Description
String? Campaign instanceId. It will be used on events.
String? Campaign name.
String? campaign status like ACTIVE/TEST
String? Available device list.
Int? delay for calling search event.
Int? min character count in input to call search event.
String? search url prefix of website
Int? max product count to be displayed
[String:SearchAssetTextModel] language based map of titles
Name Type Description
String? title for popular products on cold start.
String? title for cancel button.
String? title for no result.


Searchandising Response Details

Parameter Description Example
facets facet property is equal to the property value of the related facet (which is given when facet is selected through the Segmentify panel). "facets": [ { "property": "gender", "items": [ { "value": "female", "count": 10 } ] } ]
meta meta property contains sorting, pagination and some additional information about the faceted search. "meta": { "total": 21, "page": { "current": 1, "rows": 60, "prev": false, "next": false }, "params": { "currentRow": 21, "currency": "€ ", "isCurrencyPlaceBefore": false } }
contents contents array includes custom contents to customize your personalized searchandising page. These custom contents can be set through the Segmentify panel.
banners It is the list containing json objects containing the information of the banners that come as a result of this search, such as name, id, bannerUrl, targetUrl, position. "banners": [ { "id": "xxx", "instanceId": "yyy", "status": "ACTIVE", "searchType": "faceted", "name": "coppia", "bannerUrl": "", "targetUrl": "", "position": "zzz", "width": "100%", "height": "200px", "method": "URL", "newtab": false } ]
meanings meanings property suggestion for misspelled words. [ "shoes", "shoe"]
products product property includes product information fed by our customer success team. "products": [ { "productId": "2757307", "name": "aaa", "url": "xxx", "image": "yyy", "imageS": "zzz", "price": 360.0, "priceText": "360.00 € ", "oldPriceText": "", "specialPriceText": "", "lastUpdateTime": 1, "inStock": true, "insertTime": 2, "publishTime": 3, "brand": "BARRACUDA", "gender": "Male", "sizes": [ "45" ], "params": { "currency": "", "additionalImage": "ttt", "isDiscount": "false" }, "language": "EN", "currency": "EUR", "groupId": "506841" } ]
executable executable returns whether the campaign is executable or not. Returns true or false. true if there is a campaign to run, false otherwise. true